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Medical oncology involves prevention, screening, assessment, diagnosis, treatment and management of Cancer by using innovative technology in molecular testing and imaging techniques, and by supplying drug treatments that includes chemotherapy, immunotherapy, biological or hormonal therapies. The goal is to provide the best possible outcomes for cancer patients and attain cure whenever possible. We manage and treat at Fakeeh University Hospital all types of solid tumours, but not limited, such as early, advanced and metastatic neoplastic diseases of the breast, gastro-intestinal system, lung, pancreatico- biliary system, and genito-urinary organs.

The Oncology services also include the management of lymphoma and hematologic malignancies through delivery of chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted, molecular, and epigenetic therapies. We are treating coagulation/bleeding disorders and cancer related thrombosis, anaemia, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia.

Biological / targeted therapy

Targeted therapy, also called biological therapy, is the name given to a group of drugs that block the growth and spread of cancer through targeting specific genes and proteins that take part in the growth and survival of cancer cells. The type of targeted therapy you’re offered will depend on the features of your tumour.

Hormonal therapy

Hormone therapy is a type of cancer treatment that removes, blocks, or adds specific hormones to the body to halt, prevent and destroy cancer cells sensitive to such hormones. It is also called hormonal therapy or endocrine therapy. A main reason that hormone therapy may be recommended is because some types of cancer use the body’s natural hormones to fuel their growth.