Doctors warn "night owls" of losing "working memory"
Doctors and specialists have confirmed that deep sleep contributes to organizing the information received by the mind, and enhances the ability of “working memory” to retain it, noting that there are negative effects of continuous staying up late that are directly reflected in its strength, and consequently in focus and attention.

Neurologist Dr. Manal Al-Fahham said that sleep is one of the basic elements that a person needs to maintain his mental and physical health, noting its role in restoring the body’s activity.
The internal medicine consultant, Dr. Fadi Hamwi, said that sleep is one of the basic factors that greatly affects human health. Among the different types of sleep, “deep sleep” is one of the most important stages of sleep that plays a major role in restoring the body’s health and enhancing brain functions.
In turn, psychiatric consultant Dr. Mansour Assaf confirmed that there is a “significant impact of sleep disorders on working memory functions.”

Deep sleep is not only necessary to feel comfortable the next day, but it is also a basic factor in strengthening memory and protecting it from decline.